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nextgen WEALTH MANAGERS develops planning, investments, and wealth solutions that allow the protection and growth of assets while closely monitoring the risks incurred. At each stage of the relationship, each issue is analyzed while keeping the focus on the objectives and the projects of our clients’.

nextgen WEALTH MANAGERS also manages the assets of charitable foundations by drawing up their financial profile and mapping their needs to strengthen their impact and ensure consistency.

Since 2005, Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) principles have become increasingly important in our research and our asset selection. For equivalent performance, nextgen WEALTH MANAGERS gives priority to investments that respect ESG criteria.

ESG at nextgen

Direct Investissements

In its selection of direct investments, nextgen bases its exclusion policy in accordance with the UN Global Compact and the ethics board of the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund (Norges Bank Investment Management).

The exclusion is based on either the conduct of a company or its production according to the list below :

Violation of human
and individual rights

gas emissions

Nuclear weapons



Environnemental damage



Indirect Investissements

In its fund recommendations, nextgen favors funds that integrate a sustainable approach according to the principles of the European Regulation on Sustainability Disclosure in the Financial Services Sector (Sustainable Finance DisclosureRegulation)

The European Regulation aims to provide more transparency in environmental and social responsibility within the financial markets.

Our solution



and efficient


Flexible and adaptable

to the specific needs of the client



to any regulated market or specific market segment


Follows a systematic allocation process

that reduces emotional reactions to market volatility


Controls risk

through continuous screening of relevant news

Investissement solutions

Investissement solutions

NXG All Seasons CHF

NXG All Seasons USD

NXG Equity Risk Managed


NXG Swiss Excellence

NXG Swiss Immo+

Take a quiz to get to know your investor profile

Rue du Mont-de-Sion 8
1206 Genève

+41(0)22 319 69 59

Meet us



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La société nextgen wealth managers SA, soucieuse des droits des individus, notamment au regard des traitements automatisés et dans une volonté de transparence avec ses clients, a mis en place une politique reprenant l’ensemble de ces traitements, des finalités poursuivies par ces derniers ainsi que des moyens d’actions à la disposition des individus afin qu’ils puissent au mieux exercer leurs droits. pour en savoir plus, consultez notre politique de confidentialité.